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Canton Newborn Photographer | Oliver


Mom, Carrie, was referred to me by my husband (doesn’t happen very often 😉 ) for her newborn and maternity sessions. We had a beautiful evening for her maternity mini, and we chose an urban location. I love the first one of Carrie laughing! She also shared about her new little guy, Oliver.

  • The best thing about pregnancy was the actual pregnancy. It took 3 years and a lot of doctor appointments and medication for me to finally get pregnant. I had finally {almost} come to terms with the fact that this was most likely the last attempt to conceive. After waiting so long and wanting it so badly, I really couldn’t believe it when the test came back positive. I think I spent half the pregnancy in shock that it was really happening and, obviously, had a lot of fears after waiting and wanting so long. I look at Oliver sometimes still and can’t believe that he is really here and that he is mine. He truly is my dream come true.
  • Nope! I wanted it to be a surprise. At my first ultrasound appointment, the baby had its legs crossed so they wouldn’t have been able to tell me, even if I wanted to know. I did have the screening test done early on in my first trimester so the entire pregnancy I went knowing that somewhere in my chart there were test results that told the gender and all I had to do was ask. But, I held out!
  • I procrastinated until the 8 weeks with everything – painting the nursery, assembling all of the baby gear, installation, etc! It’s a good thing that I finally went into nesting / panic mode and got things done since Oliver came 3 weeks early!
  • I was sent in to be induced early and unexpected. I spent about 37 hours going through the process but never progressed. I had terrible back labor so finally I asked for a c-section…which went anything than a normal textbook delivery. The epidural didn’t work so they had to give me stronger drugs. Oliver was born at 9:15 and in a VERY loopy state I met him briefly in recovery before going back to sleep until I could wake up and officially (& coherently) meet him a few hours later.
  • That he was so tiny! LOL My entire pregnancy I was told he was measuring big and had been prepared for a 8.5-9 lb baby. He was only 6 lbs 12 oz! His nickname had been Baby Porkchop for my entire pregnancy and here he was just this little peanut.
  • Exhaustingly wonderful. Oliver is the best snuggler ever so we spend lots of time cuddling (& napping). The dogs are sloooowly adjusting. We’ve made tons of progress since the first day home. Every time Oliver cried, squeaked, grunted or tooted, Maxine thought she needed to answer by barking at him…repeatedly…which accounted for A LOT of barking. Luckily, that phase passed after the first day!

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Carrie Bandy is an Canton newborn photographer also specializing in families and baby photography in the Canton, Ohio area including Akron and New Philadelphia, Ohio.